The simple version of shoulder motion, turn back and turn through, just doesnt hold up. Spinal positioning at the address position determins the type of shoulder movement a player wil adopt. Forced motion creates poor timing, inconsistency, a lack of power and endless midswing adjustments.
I have coached many senior golfers, both male and female, and there are never a one fix works for all. Increased curves of the thorasic and cervical spine reduce spinal rotation, reduce weight shift and restrict optimal swing plane motion. Identifying the restriction helps both player and coach to resolve the puzzle of consistent club delivery. However so many times I have seen spinal restrictions and shoulder stiffness going hand in hand. Usually the shoulders are the easier to correct but if theyre all locked down, and this is incredibly common, than the popular weak underpowered slice holds strong.
The screening tests hunt out the causes of spinal and shoulder lockdown. It can manifest itself from many areas including the ankles, which, not suprisingly are the first joint to loose its mobiblity as age creaps on. Start to move up the chain and hip motion is a major issue along with strength to hold the forward lean address position. The dreaded expression "keep your head down" comes from a lack of mobility and a lack of strength in posture, but the first task is getting into posture and once your there move with freedom. Not easy but very achievable and absolulty worth pursueing.
So heres the first thing to lean....hip hinge and semi squat position through the posterior chain. Do the following drill to introduce yourself to the benifits of skeletal alignment.
1) Sit into a chair with you feet flat on the ground wider than the chair legs.
2) lean forward keeping you back as extended as possible without any pain. You may feel a little tightness in the lower back.
3) Extend you arms infront of you, maintain your spinal curves, push from hips, not your knees and stand up. Finish in a tall upright position.
4) Now reverse the move and lower yourself back onto the chair controlling the decent from your hips while maintaining the spinal curve.
This will introduce you to a more effective address position. Once the spine is neutral and everyone is slightly different, you can access the correct shoulder motion with the subtle side bend into impact. Making this work in the swing doesnt happen over night but with some sensible practice, and some gentle mobility. and strength training you'll be able find the movement that fits your individual style.